Group of people


ANIM is a non-partisan, multi-sector coalition of organizations, groups, and individuals united dedicated to addressing three critical issues: political dynasties, corruption, and systemic electoral fraud.

The convenors and members of ANIM come from six (6) major sectors of Philippine society—led by retired military and uniformed personnel, the clergy and faith-based communities, the youth, women, business and professionals, and civil society and people’s organizations.

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ANIM aims to build the largest coalition capable of collaboratively addressing the three major issues of corruption, political dynasties, and electoral reform. The coalition will leverage the expertise and experience of institutions and individuals to create a comprehensive Reform Agenda, consisting of targeted measures for each issue. ANIM will forge alliances and partnerships with like-minded groups, organizations, and individuals in every LGU to advance this Reform Agenda. ANIM envisions a Philippines governed by a system that promotes inclusive national development, anchored on truth, integrity, meritocracy, good governance, social justice, and national security.

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ANIM's Three (3) Main Focus Areas

Fight Against Corruption

1. Fight Against Corruption

Corruption undermines the very fabric of our society. ANIM is dedicated to eradicating corrupt practices at all levels of government, ensuring that public offices and resources are used solely for the benefit of the people.

Anti-Political Dynasty

2. Anti-Political Dynasty

The concentration of political power in a few families stifles democracy and limits opportunities for broader representation. Political dynasties are also a significant source of corruption in our society. ANIM aims to dismantle these dynasties and promote a political landscape that is open and inclusive.

Electoral Reforms

3. Electoral Reforms

Our electoral system requires comprehensive reform. ANIM advocates for changes that ensure free, fair, and transparent elections, guaranteeing that every citizen's vote is counted and that the true will of the people is reflected.

Community engagement event

ANIM is Non-Partisan

As a coalition, ANIM does not endorse or support any political party or candidate for public office. However, it will provide guidelines to the public, especially to coalition members, on how to choose honest, competent, patriotic, and qualified servant leaders during elections.

ANIM is Non-Partisan

As a coalition, ANIM does not endorse or support any political party or candidate for public office. However, it will provide guidelines to the public, especially to coalition members, on how to choose honest, competent, patriotic, and qualified servant leaders during elections.

Community engagement event

Join Us in the Fight for a Better Philippines!

ANIM is more than just a coalition; it is a movement driven by the collective will and passion of the Filipino people to create a nation where truth, integrity, justice, equality, and inclusivity prevail.

Join us in this crucial endeavor!

Together, we are stronger!

Together, we can fight for a better Philippines and build a brighter future for all Filipinos, free from the chains of corruption, political dynasties, and a flawed electoral system!

Let's keep in touch!

At ANIM, we're committed to uniting diverse voices for a common cause: a corruption-free nation. Join us in our journey to build a stronger, more transparent future. Together, we can make a difference.
Facebook: alyansangnagkakaisangmamamayan

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